Dittas Training
Working as an Independent Assessor or Tutor
Are you starting up in private practice? The webinar, "Working as an Independent Assessor or Tutor" will explore what you need to consider when working as a private assessor or tutor.
Price: £20
For more information or to purchase click here
WRIT Tables (Wide Range Intelligence Test)
Available soon
Price: £18
Wide Range Achievement Test 5 (WRAT 5)
This webinar explains how to administer each subtest, score each subtest, and interpret the results. It also explains how to work out the significance and prevalence of the results.
Price: £22
For more information or to purchase click here
Understanding and Supporting Auditory Processing Disorder (APD)
This short session focuses on what APD is, how to seek a referral and how to support students with the condition.
Price: £20
For more information or to purchase click here
Remote Assessment For Exam Access Arrangements
Available soon
Price: £20
Exploring Statistics (CTOPP2, TOWRE2, TOMAL 2)
This course explores how to calculate and analyse statistical differences between the individual subtests in CTOPP2, TOWRE2 and TOMAL2
Price: £20