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Support for Dyslexia Specialists

Are you a Dyslexia Specialist looking for training and support to improve your assessing and tutoring skills, build a business or support children in your school?


If so, you have come to the right place. 

Sarah Beard Founder of Dyslexia Training DITTAS


My name is Sarah and I am the founder of Dittas Training 

I love work(  in fact I have been called a workaholic)  but I also love holidays, hence the picture to the left.  Training and supporting dyslexia professionals to develop their assessing and tutoring skills is a passion of mine and I am able to do this remotely from all over the world. 


CPD webinars for Dyslexia professionals
Dyslexia Training and Mentoring
laptop on a desk
schools receiving dyslexia training


We offer a range of webinars focusing on CPD for Dyslexia Professionals including some which are SASC accredited. 


Bespoke mentoring packages for Dyslexia Assessors and Tutors. 

Business Coaching for Assessors / Tutors setting up their own businesses.  


DITTAS Mastermind Membership for Assessors. 

Monthly Training 

Monthly Q and A 

Reduced webinars and mentoring plus more .......  

Inset Training

Online  and Face  to Face  Training for schools, colleges and other


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